Va propunem in exclusivitate spre vanzare teren intravilan liber de constructie in suprafata totala 854mp situat in Militari,zona Lacului Morii,zona nou construita cu deschidere la drum asfaltat 21,35ml,adancime 40ml,conform certificat de urbanism 2020 pentru construire PUZ sector 6: terenul este situat in subzona M2,coeficientii urbanistici sunt:
POT= 70%, CUT=3, RH max.=P+14 E,utilitati la limita de proprietate.
Proprietate neafectata de traseul drumului expres prevazut in planul de dezvoltare al Primariei.
Pretabil proiect rezidential ,acte de proprietate la zi!
We exclusively offer for sale a plot of land, free of construction, with a total area of 854 square meters located in Militari, near Lake Morii, in a newly built area with an opening to an asphalt road of 21.35 meters, and a depth of 40 meters. According to the 2020 urbanism certificate for the PUZ construction in sector 6, the land is situated in subzone M2, with the following urban coefficients:
Building footprint (POT) = 70%
Building density (CUT) = 3
Maximum height (RH max.) = Ground floor plus 14 floors
Utilities are available at the property line. The property is unaffected by the planned route of the express road outlined in the municipality's development plan. Suitable for residential projects, property documents are up to date.