Va propunem spre vanzare vila P+1+Pod contructie 2021,cu toate utilitatile functionale si centrala proprie.
Proprietate situata in localitatea Clinceni, Ilfov.
In proprietate sunt 263mp de teren cu deschidere de 11 ml,constructia ocupand 60,8mp amprenta la sol,restul de 202 mp curte libera ce poate fi amenajata, si terasa proprie cu iesire din living.avand posibilitatea parcarii a 2 masini in interiorul curtii.
Atat la compartimentarea cat si amenajarea casei s-a avut in vedere optimizarea spatiului, fara pierderi inutile de suprafete,acestea fiind structurate astfel:
- Parter: living 27,9 mp, dormitor/birou 9,5 mp, bucatarie 9,5 mp,camara 2,1 mp, baie 2,6 mp, casa scarii 2,5 mp, terasa 6,7 mp. Suprafata totala 60,8 mp.
- Etaj: dormitor 13.3 mp, dormitor matrimonial 17.8 mp cu baie proprie de 4,6 mp, 2 dressing-uri de 3 mp,respectiv 2,3mp, hol 3,9 mp, casa scarii 3 mp, 2 balcoane suprafata totala 58.1 mp.
- Pod izolat cu acces pe scara rabatabila ce poate fi amenajat ca una sau doua camere,grup sanitar si spatii de depozitare,predispozitie pentru curent,apa si scurgere cu suprafata aproximativa de 45 mp.
Duplexul este conectat la toate utilitatile,are fosa septica,platile pentru alimentarea cu apa si conectarea la canalizare sunt facute,trebuie doar facuta racordarea.
Imobil amplasat in zona rezidentiala nou construita cu acces facil catre principalele puncte de interes din zona.
!!!*Nota: Duplexul se vinde nemobilat,actualul proprietar a depozitat provizoriu mobilierul prezent in imagini.!!!
Acte de proprietate la zi,se accepta credit bancar.
We offer for sale a villa P+1+Pod built in 2021, with all functional utilities and its central heating system.
Property located in the town of Clinceni, Ilfov.
In the property there are 263 sqm of land with an opening of 11 ml, the construction occupying a 60.8 sqm footprint, the rest of the 202 sqm free yard that can be arranged, and its terrace with an exit from the living room. with the possibility of parking 2 cars inside the yard.
The optimization of the space was taken into account both during the partitioning and the arrangement of the house, without unnecessary losses of surfaces, these being structured as follows:
- Ground floor: living room 27.9 sq.m., bedroom/office 9.5 sq.m., kitchen 9.5 sq.m., pantry 2.1 sq.m., bathroom 2.6 sq.m., stairwell 2.5 sq.m., terrace 6.7 sq.m. Total area 60.8 square meters.
- Floor: bedroom 13.3 sq m, master bedroom 17.8 sq m with private bathroom of 4.6 sq m, 2 dressing rooms of 3 sq m, respectively 2.3 sq m, hall 3.9 sq m, stairwell 3 sq m, 2 balconies total area 58.1 sqm .
- Isolated attic with access by folding ladder that can be arranged as one or two rooms, bathroom, and storage spaces, provision for electricity, water, and drainage with an approximate area of 45 square meters.
The duplex is connected to all utilities, it has a septic tank, and the payments for the water supply and connection to the sewage system are made, the connection just needs to be made.
Property is located in the newly built residential area with easy access to the main points of interest in the area.
!!!*Note: The duplex is sold unfurnished, the current owner has temporarily stored the furniture shown in the images.!!!
Property documents are up to date, and bank credit is accepted.