Comision 0%-Ap. 4 cam. Metrou Valea Ialomitei,disponibil imediat.
In exclusivitate,va propunem spre vanzare apartament 4 camere,confort 1,decomandat cu suprafata de 81.49 mp, situat in imobil constructie '74,la etajul 3/4,cu bucatarie inchisa ,baie si grup sanitar,balcon inchis.
Apartamentul se prezinta in conditii optime,necesitand doar o zugraveala/igienizare,este finisat(parchet,gresie si faianta,tamplarie PVC exterior).
Renovat in anul 2008,moment in care s-au inlocuit instalatiile sanitare si electrice,deasemenea tocaraia de interior,este dotat cu 2 AC,avand vedere mixta E-V.
Imobilul este reabilitat amplasat in vecinatatea principalelor puncte de interes: metrou statia "Valea Ialomitei"(1 minut pietonal distanta reala)scoala,piata,gradinita,farmacii,supermarket,banci,mijloace de transport in comun.
In pretul apartamentului este inclusa si o boxa(proprietate), situata la subsolul blocului,deasemenea se va preda mobilat(mobilier Mobexpert) daca se doreste.
*Acte de proprietate la zi,disponibil spre vanzare prin intermediul oricarui tip de credit bancar/numerar.
*Disponibil pentru vizionare din data de 18.10.2024.
0% Commission - 4-room Apartment near Valea Ialomitei Metro, available immediately.
Exclusively, we offer for sale a 4-room apartment, comfort 1, detached, with a surface of 81.49 sqm, located in a building constructed in '74, on the 3rd/4th floor, with a closed kitchen, bathroom, and toilet, and an enclosed balcony.
The apartment is in optimal condition, requiring only a fresh coat of paint/cleaning. It is finished with a parquet, tiles, and exterior PVC joinery.
Renovated in 2008, during which the plumbing and electrical installations were replaced, as well as the interior woodwork. It is equipped with 2 air conditioners and has a mixed E-W view.
The building is rehabilitated and located near the main points of interest: "Valea Ialomitei" metro station (a real 1-minute walking distance), school, market, kindergarten, pharmacies, supermarkets, banks, and public transportation.
The apartment price includes a storage unit (property) located in the basement of the building, and it will be delivered furnished (Mobexpert furniture) if desired.
* Up-to-date property documents, available for sale through any type of bank credit/cash.
* Available for viewing starting from 18.10.2024.