Imobil amplasat in cadrul ansamblului rezidential de pe strada Ilie Petre,cu acces imediat Supermarket Profi/acces rapid STB.
Va propunem spre vanzare apartament 3 camere decomandat, cu bucatarie inchisa,cu suprafata utila 58,07mp, in imobil constructie 2019,situat la Demisol/D+P+5E, contorizare individuala (apa,gaze,curent) .
Imobil construit pe cadru de beton,compartimentat interior/exterior din caramida porotherm,cu izolatie la exterior de 10cm din polistiren expandat,dotat cu lift, racordat la reteaua de canalizare,si toate utilitatile(Enel,ApaNova,Distrigaz,internet fibra optica),sistem de supraveghere video.
Apartamentul va fi predat noilor proprietari finisat la cheie cu urmatoarele dotari:centrala termica,calorifere,tamplarie PVC-parchet,gresie,baie echipata,mobilat/utilat.
Acte de proprietate la zi,disponibil spre vanzare si prin cred bancar.
Property located within the residential complex on Ilie Petre Street, with immediate access to Supermarket Profi/fast access to STB.
We offer for sale a 3-room detached apartment, with a closed kitchen, with a usable area of 58.07 square meters, in a building constructed in 2019, located on the Basement/GF+5F, individually metered (water, gas, electricity).
The building is constructed on a concrete frame, with interior/exterior partitioning made of Porotherm bricks, with 10cm external insulation made of expanded polystyrene, equipped with an elevator, connected to the sewerage network, and all utilities (Enel, ApaNova, Distrigaz, fiber optic internet), video surveillance system.
The apartment will be delivered to the new owners finished turnkey with the following facilities: central heating system, radiators, PVC joinery, parquet flooring, ceramic tiles, equipped bathroom, furnished/equipped.
Property documents up to date, available for sale through bank financing.