Trattoria Roz Cafe-Rezervelor reper,va propunem spre inchiriere garsoniera cu suprafata de 35,65mp,decomandata cu bucatarie inchisa si balcon situata la etajul 5/8 in cadrul unui ansamblu rezidential nou-construit(2018) si dat in folosinta.
Dotata cu centrala proprie,Smart TV,AC nou,masina de spalat,mobilata si utlata,contorizare individuala pentru toate utilitaile.
Imobil amplasat in zona accesibila principalelor puncte de interes(Mega Image,Lidl,restaurante),la 3-5 minute pietonal STB str. Rezervelor.
Disponibila imediat,la momentul semnarii contractului de inchiriere se vor plati 1 luna avans chirie+1 luna garantie.,contract pe minim 1 an si va fi inregistrat la ANAF(nu se adauga alte costuri)
*In pretul afisat este inclus abonament TV si internet
*Locurile de parcare sunt la liber,la mica intelegere.
*Disponibil din 03.07.2024
Trattoria Roz Cafe-Rezervelor landmark, we offer for rent a studio apartment with an area of 35.65 sqm, detached with a closed kitchen and a balcony located on the 5/8 floor in a newly built (2018) and put-into-use residential complex.
Equipped with its central heating system, Smart TV, new AC, washing machine, furnished and equipped, individual metering for all utilities.
The building is located in an area accessible to the main points of interest (Mega Image, Lidl, restaurants), a 3-5 minutes walk from STB, Rezervelor str.
Available immediately, at the time of signing the rental contract, 1-month advance rent + 1-month guarantee will be paid, the contract for at least 1 year and will be registered with ANAF (no other costs are added)
*TV and internet subscriptions are included in the displayed price
*The parking spaces are free, with a small agreement.
*Available from 07.03.2024